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 The encyclopédia of psychoactives plants

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Féminin Messages : 250
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2010
Localisation : haute garonne

The encyclopédia of psychoactives plants Empty
MessageSujet: The encyclopédia of psychoactives plants   The encyclopédia of psychoactives plants EmptyMer 3 Nov 2010 - 10:15

Christian Ratsch (Author), Albert Hofmann (Foreward) (Foreword, Publisher)
Parition en: janvier 1998
Couverture du bouquin

Une vraie mine d'or en anglais! Pour tous les passionnés d'ethnobotanique.

In the traditions of every culture, plants have been highly valued for their nourishing, healing, and transformative properties. The most powerful plants?those known to transport the human mind into other dimensions of consciousness?have traditionally been regarded as sacred. In The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants Christian Ratsch details the botany, history, distribution, cultivation, and preparation and dosage of more than 400 psychoactive plants. He discusses their ritual and medicinal usage, cultural artifacts made from these plants, and works of art that either represent or have been inspired by them. The author begins with 168 of the most well-known psychoactives?such as cannabis, datura, and Opium Poppy?then presents 133 lesser known substances as well as additional plants known as ?legal highs,? plants known only from mythological contexts and literature, and plant products that include substances such as ayahuasca, incense, and soma. The text is lavishly illustrated with 800 color photographs?many of which are from the author?s extensive fieldwork around the world?showing the people, ceremonies, and art related to the ritual use of the world?s sacred psychoactives.

pour chaque plante répertoriée:
Forms and Subspecies
Psychoactive Material
Preparation and dosage
Ritual use
Medicinal use
Commercial forms and Regulations

et tout ça pour des centaines et centaines de plantes
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The encyclopédia of psychoactives plants
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